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Insect ident please.

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I am certain that it is a longhorn beetle, but I wonder oif our Chris can tell me if it is a possible menace to woodwork please?


It's an 'ansome beast about 1 1/2 long or slightly less and I found it in my workshop today. At the moment it's langushing in a plastic box with some lunch and the lid on! There is an airhole.

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It depends.........

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longhorn_beetle

"Several are serious pests, with the larvae boring into wood, where they can cause extensive damage to either living trees or untreated lumber (or, occasionally, to wood in buildings; the old-house borer, Hylotrupes bajulus, being a particular problem indoors)."

Hope Chris tells you its not one of those [:(]

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Very similar Chris, but the antennia are at least twice the body length on this little perisher and all of the photos that I looked at of the Lamia textor are about the same as the body length. One of the first things that I wondered was how it managed to get through the undergrowth. The answer was easily! I just folds them back!
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Very similar Chris, but the antennia are at least twice the body length on this little perisher and all of the photos that I looked at of the Lamia textor are about the same as the body length. One of the first things that I wondered was how it managed to get through the undergrowth. The answer was easily! It just folds them back!

Edit :- Sorry about the double entry, but I tried to correct my tryping and the stupid system decided that it was so good it had to be here twice???

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That looks like it may well be the one, but the perisher has escaped so I can't get any more photos. It was in an ice crean box with the lid on all apart from one corner. So it must have been able to push the corner up. I didn't realise just how much grip they could get on a shiny surface or how strong they are!

It ate the dead shoots I put i there too! OH had said to punch some holes in the top, but I hadn't thought it necessary? Wrong yet again [:-))]

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If it is one of those Chris then I have just found another one!!!

I am a member of the RHS and I have just spoken to and e-mailed their gardening help line and I await their entemologists opinion and if it could be a threat in the garden/workshop/house?

I do hope not as they are wonderful looking beasties!

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