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Argricole zone


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We bought our property in 2002 with an Abri (although one wall had fallen down due to storm damage) There was an insurance claim on it and we took over the work to replace the wall with the materials already on site. We found the other two walls were unsafe so after building back the wall, which supported a bank and driveway to the property, we pulled the other walls down, planning to rebuild when we had the money. In 2007 unknown to us the area was re defined as Agricole and no new building were aloud. In 2008 we built a small shed using the support wall about 16 sq metres and have been told we have to take it down. We have 10 acres of land and no other outside shed to house equipent etc. We have been told we cannot even have a wooden shed or dog kennel nothing.  The original abri was part of a farm and apparently did not require building perrmision, although it had stood for 50 years. We are appealing to the planners. Has anyone else had a similar experience and what did they do. Help
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