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Help save our woodland

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I am working with my French neighbours to try and stop a quarry owned by the Carrieres de Thiviers from expanding their quarrying activities. They already open mine 92 hectares and have now applied to extend their quarry into the last remaining 90 hectares of woodland in our commune.

The quarry has been in existence for 18 years so this isn’t a case of us being NIMBYs, however, the proposed extension will profit no one except the company. No new jobs or revenue will be created for the commune as the company do not propose to increase their staffing levels and the quarry does not pay taxes to the commune. The only ‘profit’ to the commune will be increased noise and dust levels as well as the loss of a beautiful bluebell wood and all the wildlife it supports.

I can understand that people may say 'Why bother? We do not live in the commune of Moulin Neuf' however there are over 100 active quarries in the Dordogne alone all of which have a finite life and all of which can apply to expand their activities - the quarry at Moulin Neuf can and does extract gravel to within 10m of neighbouring boundaries!

Please, visit www.moulin-neuf.org/ to find out more information and click the ‘Petition’ button to add your name. You will need to supply an email address and a password so that you can, if you wish, have full access to the site but your email address will not be passed onto third parties. Even better forward this appeal to others, either through social network pages or via email, and ask them to sign our petition - where ever you are in the Dordogne, Aquitaine or the world we need your support.

If you are worried that this may be some form of scam then as an alternative to clicking on the above link you can search 'vivre ensemble Moulin Neuf' or 'Carrieres de Thiviers Moulin Neuf' and the website will come up.


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