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[quote user="hakunamatata"]Thanks PP I saw the picture when I clicked on preview so I dont understand where the post went wrong, perhaps you can tell me.[/quote]

Not sure the syntax is wrong in the link that was generated; the board has outdated software and often does strange things. I am a very patient individual but sometimes when a complete post disaPPears into thin air, then I can border on irascibility. I am afraid that Archant are unlikely to change it and even the well intentioned efforts of the Cisco Kid seems to avail us of nothing.

You got:  <img src="http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m226/mjl7743/NATURE/ONEOFTHESIX.jpg" border="0" />....unfortunately the bit at the start and end do not comply with the syntax of script in HTML.  The bit reading <img src=" should read IMG with square brackets around it, this prompts the information that an image is beginning. Similarly the bit at the end reading  " border="0" />  should read /IMG with square brackets around it, indicating that the image information is finished.

The bit in the middle is just the normal link to the picture stored on your photobucket account.ie    http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m226/mjl7743/NATURE/ONEOFTHESIX.jpg

I myself, me entirely, has been effected greatly by the aleatory affect of image posting on the board and as measure to ameliorate and mitigate the affect, I tend to just enter the whole lot straight away from the keyboard but of course using a copy/paste for the http link in the middle.

This is a square bracket [ to open, this is a square bracket ] to close; available using shift general/ Alt Gen key to right of space bar.


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