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Magpies: Is it legal to shoot them?

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For some reason this year there seems to have been an explosion in the number of Magpies around. On some days we have a dozen or so sitting in the trees around the garden causing no end of hassle to the other garden birds.

I can shoot foxes, which are considered vermin, as they are a menace to our (and our neighbours) chickens, would it be allowable to shoot the Magpies? Currently we have nesting: Blackbird, Robin, Wren, Collared Dove (and not so accessible: House sparrow, BlueTit, Great Tit and Redstart). The Magpies are just lining up waiting for the eggs/chicks to arrive. I try to encourage a lot of the smaller birds in the garden as they are a natural pest control for the veggies.

I know this may also be an ethical question as well to some and I admit I am torn between protecting the weaker or allowing nature to just get on with it.



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Near me there is a stable population of half a dozen with nests high in the trees. The commune sometimes organises a "chasse" but very rarely; once since I have been here since 1997. The bird is not protected but for trapping an authorisation is required from the local "mairie" and permission from the owner if trapped on land belonging to another.

In a word....shoot a couple of them.....no one will complain over much.[;-)]

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