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Advice on how to deal with coypu/ragodan

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[quote user="ventodue"][quote user="pachapapa"] Tether two or three small rafts in the lake with poisoned bait. [/quote]

The use of poison for control of Coypu has been illegal since 31 March 2009 (Arrêté du 6 avril 2007 relatif au contrôle des populations de ragondins et de rats musqués, Article 6).  Latest version (4 June 2011) of the relevant legislation here:



Thanks for info. I must admit I have not seen baiting on the Thouet for several years now.

But in the context of the legislation "L'emploi de la lutte chimique avec des appâts empoisonnés est réservé à des cas exceptionnels." What would be regarded as an exceptional case?

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[quote user="pachapapa"][But in the context of the legislation "L'emploi de la lutte chimique avec des appâts empoisonnés est réservé à des cas exceptionnels." What would be regarded as an exceptional case?[/quote]

Hi pachapapa,

A good question :-).  As you can see from the text, that dérogation clause expired on 31 May 2009.  (And, while it was in force, it applied only to those Départments where poison had been approved for the season 2005-2006, only to places where the population of Coypu was being monitored, and also had to be within the context of a programme of control which favoured other means of culling in the first place ...)

But as to what exactly might have constituted un cas exceptionnel .... ?? [8-)]



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A situation similar to that of "Hamlin town, in Brunswick", perhaps, in the days of the Pied Piper:

"Rats!  They fought the dogs and killed the cats
And bit the babies in their cradles;
And ate the cheeses out of the vats
And licked the soup from the cooks' own ladles..."


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