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This year we seem to be plagued by flies which door curtain and sticky things for windows do not deter. Is it possible to buy those electronic blue light zapper things in France? I know it is possible to get battery versions for camping so thought we could try one of those.

Thanks in advance
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I've seen the the mains versions in Lidl and Aldi from time to time. The problem with their "special buys" is that they never seem to have things when I want them - usually just after I have paid twice as much for the same thing somewhere else.
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We tried a suspended "blue light" zapper and it was hopeless. I always assumed that the ones you see in shops etc work OK, but those cost an awful lot more.

Flypapers work for us but they look horrible!

Aerosols: limited succes with those too, some flies seem totally resistant!



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Your defence system sounds so uncompromising, Clair, that I would think that those "very few insects (that) make it inside" deserve to be made welcome?[:P]

Joking aside, I will be doing something similar next year.  I just want to ask here whether anyone has seen mesh "roller blinds" (working on the same principle as volets roulants) that you can fit to your windows?

I have only seen them in a house we stayed at in Sardinia but they are great because they allow you to open and shut your existing traditional shutters (if you have them) as well as open and shut your windows.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]I just want to ask here whether anyone has seen mesh "roller blinds" (working on the same principle as volets roulants) that you can fit to your windows?[/quote]

Yes, we had some fitted a couple of years ago and they are very effective.  I think they need to be accurately fitted, for obvious reasons.

The only disadvantage we've seen is that when there's an invasion of cluster flies (as I think they're called) the flies seem to like to gather inside the box that houses the roller, and when you roll the roller up and then down, a lot of flies fall out, most of them dead. Fortunately the cluster flies don't visit us very often.

It doesn't seem to happen with ordinary flies or other insects.  Perhaps it's because the cluster flies are very small.

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Thanks, allanb.  May I ask whether you bought them in the form of a kit perhaps and fitted them yourself or whether you got them done by a roller blind man?[:D]

I think the summer's too advanced now to try and get them done if they need fitting by a tradesman and, in any case, I suppose that I'll have to start saving for them now in time for next year!

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If they are cluster flies in the house then a brico will sell fumigation 'bombs' that work well. For flies from outside, get yourself a Red Top Fly Trap (you can get them on Ebay) - make sure they are Red Top and not those imitation ones from the brico wagons that fall apart. Red Tops trap the female flies and stop them from laying eggs and more flies, and really work. You have to put them in the garden, away from the house, and be warned as they stink to high heaven but they work for flies from outside the house.
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I took the coward's route and had them fitted by the company that sold them.  I do some domestic bricolage, but having watched the man at work I think that - for me - it was the right decision.  They look neat and they fit properly.

Having said that, it's not an impossible job for an amateur; if you can drill into whatever material your house is made of, and if you measure very carefully before you order them, you could do it. 

You might have to be a bit creative if your window opening is not rectangular.  Insects don't mind crawling through small gaps.  

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On our last trip out we went to a show room for double glazed windows and shutters , He was selling very strong framed roller blind type fly nets , he offered them for free for each window we had fitted, none of the others offered this , but then again he was one of the more expensive quotes

But this maybe a good place to start looking for some
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I had some info some time ago about fly screen roller blind kits but not sure if still relevant.

Contact details are:-

Tel/fax 0033 (0)2 33 37 46 74

Email davy@pesthelp.co.uk

We just haven't got round to doing anything about it because never had such a problem before now.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

01 Paris

02 North West

03 Northe East

04 South East

05 South West


Strange, I now have an 04 number and I'm decidedly South West!  Oh well, if it deceives some people who want to come and visit me, it's all to the good! (good friends excepted, of course [:D])

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[quote user="sweet 17"]So, Pads, what is the name of the company, SVP?[/quote]

Your asking me who can hardly remember her own name in the morning ???

I meant double glazing companies in general may be a good place to look ... sorry ... ;(

Now who said that ????8-)
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