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Having finally receovered from the couleuvre problem last month, I now have a little (well  75cm) snake basking in a rose bush outside my front door.  It has sort of a non-descript brown markings and I'd love to know what it is and if it's dangerous.  Can anyone help?

At least I don't have this one in situ........ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEfmNPaujgQ

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Well, Pierre, it was skinny and the colouring was basically brown. By the time I had run to find my camera the little fella disappeared.  I've looked on line for pictures of adders and vipers but they don't match. Really all I want to know is if it is dangerous - unlike the couleuvres.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Came home from the local creperie to find our three cats playing in the living room with a snake such as the OP describes. All brown, as far as I could see in low light level, lively when I tried to catch it and round eyes. No pic I am afraid as I put it in a washing up bowl and chucked it outside quick as the cats were anxious to get it. One of them must have dragged it in from their outside run.

Not a viper methinks as no zig zag markings and a long not stubby tail and whitish under belly. In fact no real makings at all as far as I could see. Examined cats and no sign of bites or distress but like the OP I wonder if it could have been poisonous......JR
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