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Found under some tiles


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Found this little guy under the roof tiles we had stored on pallets..


 Seen here on the seat of the quad bike which was nice and warm in the sun, he seemed to be enjoying the heat.

I've never seen one before and had to look him up on google. Apparently he's a marbled newt and quite common in France..... he looked much too handsome to be a 'newt' - I thought he would at least be something exotic like a salamander!

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I can't really tell from the small picture but might it be a fire salamander?



If so it's sensible to wash your hands after touching it.

We have had them round here and the colours look right. The wikipedia pictures don't really do justice to the degree of variability of the colours.

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I thought that it might be a salamander originally Araucaria - it sounds much more exotic than a newt and the colours looked similar.

But the thin red stripe along his back is exactly what the marbled newts have (I had a look on google images).

Washed my hands anyway though!
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Galtezza - I think it was just the small picture here that confused me. On your interesting blog it's easy to see that distinctive red line.

If you do find a fire salamander you'll discover it moves surprisingly slowly. Presumably with an unpleasant taste you don't need to worry about running away from predators.

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We have salamanders, both black & yellow and black & red. One family lives in our garage car repair pit. They move incredibly slowly and are OK to pick up but you have to wear gloves or wash your hands afterwards. I would love to see your newts!

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