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Holiday without Wifi


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i know some of you like combining your leisure and fun in nature by taking your mp3, ipod or phone with you but what about going for a month without wifi at all, that complete disconnection with technology and connection with nature should be life-changing !

next year i am planning with a group of friends to go on a boat trip with a catamaran for 3+ weeks. We are still deciding where we will do it.. either from Cannes to Antibes while we get to swim, tan and read when bored or the next option is go to Greece for a month on a yacht to the islands - Milos, Santorini and Mykonos are just a few in mind... i love writing about things i observe around me so if anyone has visited Greece before would be great to know which are some jaw-dropping sights!
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I don't use "devices" for entertainment when I'm travelling in the motorhome but I wouldn't leave them behind just for the sake of it, because they can very useful for things like checking the weather forecast, finding out local information, making advance bookings etc. And these days unfortunately it's kind of a personal responsibility to stay aware of the health situation and any health restrictions that may come into force that may affect us, obviously when you're on a yacht in the middle of the ocean you can switch off but I imagine you would want to prepare yourself in advance for what awaits you when you return to 'civilisation'.

Sounds a great plan, enjoy :-)

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yes it is true that they can always come in handy but checking the weather and finding out local information when you're on a yacht with a captain is something i thought might not be so necessary. Just wanted to experience the best form of slow travel with everything planned beforehand so that when we are actualizing the trip, the sound of the waves and the scenery is breathtaking, just need a camera and a skipper as my guide!!
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[quote user="BritinBretagne"]When sailing I would much rather take advantage of the plus values that modern C21st electronic devices provide, especially those that have improved safety. Why on earth would people want to put their head in the sand?[/quote]

Do you still carry updated charts, just in case?

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Meek Megan wrote: We have survived as a species for thousands of years without electronic devices so why should it be so difficult to go without them for a few weeks?

Perhaps because expectations and lifestyles have changed? We live in the age we live in, and these days many things are geared up to using electronic devices. In fact the UK quarantine form, that it's a legal requirement to complete for immigration within the 48 hours before you re-enter the UK after visiting a country not on the safe travel list, can only be submitted online, so how would you do that if you don't have a device with you? You'd have to borrow one or waste time finding an internet cafe.

I am all in favour of forgetting about them but I don't see an issue with having one at the bottom of your bag in case of need. You will benefit from not using them, but their absence may turn out to be a nuisance. Unless of course you think the temptation to use it when you don't need to, would be too great.
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  • 2 weeks later...
yea you make some great points, everyone stuck on social media nowadays though wherever they go has not allowed them to truly 'let go', ofcourse you make the great point where you might as well use devices only when you really need to and we should be in complete control .. anyhow, if you were to make advanced bookings for next year, do you happen to know any website to look into? there are a couple i know that would be great if i do make the trip in Greece to the islands and i found some boats at great prices but im open to know if there are any other ones for france and Greece to look into!

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