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I've never really been sure about these and other related verbs. Yesterday, I decided to ask my daughter's French teacher who is French, but has taught in England for many years. She started to explain, and the more she explained, the more confused she became! In the end, she said she would get out her books and look it up!

Has anyone got it sussed?

Jill (99)
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Jill, gosh, me too, they are confusing. And what makes it worse is that the difference between them is quite subtle and I'm not sure I'm equipped to explain it clearly. (You can see why my career in TEFL was short lived!)

Amener = to bring ie
"Bring your friend (her) over to my house"
"Amene-la ....." (sorry, no accents)

Emmener = to take someone somewhere
Emmener I remember from a Philippina girl in my class in Paris who was an au pair and used to take the children to school en route to her own class in the morning.


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