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Nightmare French oral exam


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Just had my GCSE French oral - what a nightmare. The tape didn't work the first time so had to re-sit the whole thing again. Unfortunately, I think I did much better the first time, converations and role play more spontaneous and 3 minute presentation went well. However, second time around the teacher stopped me half way through presentation (don't know why - will ask when go to my next lesson) conversation was far from flowing after that. Think it must have thrown both of us as several times teacher repeated the questions then reailsed the mistake.

Trying not to worry - I don't need to pass just really WANTED to!

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I am sure you will be fine but I know exactly how you feel. I did a couple of Open University French exams and shook so badly I was unintelligible. I think they must make allowances for nerves as I passed! Whilst waiting for the results and convinced I had failed I tried to console myself with the thought that even if I didnt pass just taking the courses had improved my French vastly (but I would have been gutted to have failed!)
Bon courage!
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At least it's OVER now.
My worst was the CAPES oral with examiners who didn't approve of anglophones becoming English teachers and who kept trying to trip me up all the time.

As an examiner (now) I sometimes stop candidates half way through a presentation if it is a bit too "off pat" or when it's obvious that they really know what they are talking about and could go on for ever. (once they've proved their ability)
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Oral exams work both ways, though. Spare a thought for the (poor) examiner, who has to keep attention on what s/he's hearing, thinking of questions to ask, devices to keep the conversation flowing....often for up to 6 hours a day for several days running, with students of different levels.

The student only does it once.

Elizabeth (99) - who has been on both sides of the microphone in the not too distant past
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