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GCSE French results


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Some of you may remember me posting earlier in the year about my awful French oral exam!?  Well, got my results last Thursday and despite what I said before I was really pleased to see I got an A.  So those of you who said bad exam = good results - you were right!

Has anyone else got their results, GCSE, A Level or otherwise?

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May I add my sincere congratulations Sue.  I was gobsmacked on returning from holiday yesterday to find that I got not only my A grade for my A2 but also gained a merit for the Advanced Extended Award that I was convinced I had failed.  To say I was over the moon was a gross understatement!
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[quote]Congratulations to you both! Sue, are you the lady who couldn't decide whether to go on and sit an A level or enrol for a more general conversation course next? If you are, what are your thoughts no...[/quote]

Yes that was me!  Did look into the A level and had it been at a better time in the evening, ie. 7pm start rather than 6pm,  I probably would have gone for it.   However, I am going back to my general conversation class which I feel helped me more with the exam than the actual GCSE class. Have a great teacher who is very organised, lessons are structured, have free speaking/conversation time and a little homework, together with a good atmosphere.

 Have also enroled with the OU (L120 Overture Fresh Start in French).  Depending how that goes I may then head for a Diploma in French with the OU or see if next year the A Level course is at a better time.

I like to have a goal to work to as it keeps me going when some weeks I just don't feel in the mood for French.

Well done with results everyone else

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