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****ney rhyming slang.





For goodness sake Forum Admin, one cannot say c.o.c.k.n.e.y or C.o.c.k.e.r.m.o.u.t.h, this is really stupid.............


Another try, Scunthorpe.


Et Voila, personally I find the C word in Scunthorpe, far worse than the other c words above, but there you go.

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Interesting, isn't it, I don't like the C word in Scunthorpe either.

When French yoofs ask what's the worst swearword in English, that's the one I tell them, but I also tell them NOT to use it, not even to me in fun!    And of course, they think it's hilarious, bless them.  

It's difficult to convey just how offensive it's generally held to be, especially when twa* means the same thing but is fairly widely and "innocently" used.

Funny old thing, language

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... dislike of the c word (as in the S town): Is there a gender aspect to this? I know no women who tolerate the c word but men don't seem to have the same aversion.

On the subject of random censorship... at least we can refer to blue and great tits now without the software having an asterisk attack.

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We refer to people such as that old **** down the lane as See You Next Tuesdays. I'm sure you'll figure it out. It is completely intolerated by my good wife. Even as a man of many years in rugby clubs and military surrounds it is quite repugnant as a word.

Sometimes though it truely does define what one wants to say. 

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[quote]Julie objects strongly, but I would only ever use it in the context of people riding noisy motorbikes or that bloke down the road who's a complete...And, TU, I presume the asterisks in your second wor...[/quote]

What an interesting comment about motorcyclists. I am not offended. its not the first time Ive been called that nor will it be the last but it is the first time for pursuing my passion

Most bikers are law abiding citizens who show respect for their environment and slow down in built up areas. It is comments like yours that cause the government to think up more and more stupid anti bike legislation like 80 decibel exhausts which are quieter the the average car.

Do you use that term for custom car drivers or is it just bikers that you see as antisocial

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I live near traffic lights, so I have the pleasure of listening to them accelerate away, often at 3 in the morning. No objection to people having fun any way they want - I just don't want to be involved against my will. So I do see noisy bikers as antisocial, and I don't see why they can make a noise with their bikes that would get my car pulled off the road. As for the scooters - at least most bikers know what they are doing and I don't have to spend my time trying to avoid them.

And if you took a car with open exhausts along the road, yes you would deserve all you got. It's about realising you aren't the only person in the universe.
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Richard - I apologise, that last post of mine was unnecessarily bad tempered. I have no problem with people who have their fun on the open road, it is just those who feel that suburban streets are theirs, not everybody's. (Actually a bike has just screamed past a minute ago). Which is what you were saying.

And I would agree that 'proper' bikers have more sense (that is probably the definition I am looking for). We have had 3 riders killed nearby in the last year, all doing crazy things in tight suburban roads - you can't help some people, it seems.

And why is it that the 'deep-throated chuckle' of a Harley is so much easier on the ear than a screaming 250? Well, we all know that answer, I suspect!
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Once again, a thread gets hijacked! And the new layout forces us to labour through these meanders ....

I presume that the inability of this software to allow "****" to be shown as anything other than a row of asterisks is due to its American origin and the "power" of intolerant minorities to dominate social agendas.

What is silly about this is that many of the usages of "****" come not from its slang meaning of "penis" but from the military use of rifles - half ****, full ****, **** up etc.

But then perhaps words associated with killing SHOULD be censored, but among thinking adults words associated with sex should not!

Power to your elbow in sorting out this silliness, Forum Admin.


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