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Before arriving in France I'm trying to make sure that I have some sort of qualification to say that I can actually use the language.  Having lived in Switzerland (Valais) I can speak, read and understand French, however, I only have an O-Level from the UK.  I've found a website that explains a little about the DELF and DALF, which I can do at Reims (1.5 hours away from our house) or the TEF? 

Has anyone else found these useful or requisite for getting jobs etc?  Any advice and comments would be useful!


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Hi Margaret, I'm sitting the DALF next month (speciality sciences humaines).  The text book I've been following as part of the course preparation states in its forward, "...le DAFL vise un perfectionnement a un niveau tres eleve et correspond a une maitrise du francais egale a celle de tout francophone natif pouvant effectuer des operations langagieres complexes dans le cadre universitaire ou professionnel.  Le DALF complet correspond au niveau C2 du Conseil de l'Europe, c'est-a-dire le niveau le plus eleve.

En effect, par le decret du 21 decembre 1988, le DALF dispense du test linguistique d'acces a toutes les universites francaises.  Toutefois, ce diplome ne sert pas seulement a situer les competences en francais d'une personne souhaitant poursuivre des etudes universitaires, mais egalement de tous ceux qui desirent faire valider leurs connaissances linguistiques dans un but personnel ou professionnel.  Il est reconnu par de nombreux pays ou institutions qui l'utilisent comme base d'une certification nationale."

(Apologies for no accents or typos.  I'm fighting against the clock not wanting to be "timed out" posting this.)

Although I later took the DELF 2eme, ironically I didn't have this when I was first living in France and looking for work so can't say from first hand experience whether it would help or not.  And the only people I know who have a DALF have used it to apply for places at French universities rather than for employment.  But the French Ministry of Education certificate that you receive will surely support your application, assuming you're otherwise suitably qualified to take on the job in question.

Bonne chance!  It's a terribly interesting course, I've enjoyed it enormously and recommend it to anyone.





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