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Learning French at home ?


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I'm a great believer in total immersion as a means to really get to grips with culture & language.

And it just so happens I have access to the perfect solution.

I currently have my French in laws staying for Xmas & New Year. They are guaranteed not to speak English, but that is the whole point ?

Now, you don't have to speak a word of French ........ just listen. Whatever the subject they will explain why everyone else is wrong and they are right. And strangely the subjects they have the least experience of, the more advice they can give. They are currently talking through a TV programme about the Himalayas with a fascinating account of the best tactics for climbing Everest (I think I even heard the valuable information that it can be colder on Everest than their village was in 1963). And all guaranteed to be in excellent French.

I think this sort of tuition needs to be extensive, say 3 months, at least. All you need to do is feed them with the sort of things they will strongly insist on, and they might stay for ever.

As a kind hearted sort of guy I'll deliver them anywhere in mainland Europe before 18.00 tomorrow. Outside Europe I have to check flights ........ anyone need this in NZ, or Iraq (ho ho) ?

The perfect son in law

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I also have mes beaux parents, chez moi, but I'm delighted to see them as they've very kindly offered to take over the night feeds for a couple of nights!! We didn't need much persuasion, as our little one (who's 3 weeks old today) is something of a nocturnal creature!

I've recently found the following french terms to be very much in demand:

Elle viens de faire caca partout sur moi!!

Faire dodo, ma belle.

Aurélie, elle a faim, encore!

Elle fait pas ses nuits!

Elles sont ou, les couches??

J'ai pas très bien dormi!

Il est quelle heure? 7h de matin! Alors, bonne nuit!

C'est ou, la sucette?

Voila, la vie d'un papa debutant. They never covered any of this at my language school.

P.S - Apologies for any grammar/spelling mistakes, I didn't feel it was the right moment to be asking the wife to help me out with my french!

Tiredness has taken on a whole new meaning, but we're loving every minute of it, honest!

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Hey peter, don`t you have a yatch? why not take them to the Marina, show them the boat, advise them of the `best` way to sail , and insist that one does not goose wing with a force 6/7, they will know better won`t they? sailing with the wind.....could end up anywhere
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