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Words beginning with K / Daft Question

Anton Redman

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One of my emergency sources of French conversation is to ask French people how many words there are in in French which changing their meaning when they change gender - Le Livre = book but Le Livre = Pound. F Oranges are fruit M Oranges are colours etc.

Sheer desperation last week but remembered 'Clavier' as keyboard but remarked that I expected them to 'well tempered but German and spelt with a K' . French lady to whom I was speaking then said that almost words beginning with 'K' in French are foreign and probably non latin in origin :


Kermese,Kipnapper,Kilo,Kiosque,Kiwi,Klaxon,K.O., kraft,

Anybody know anywords which are definitely French in origin and start with K ?


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As far as I recall from my undergrad days, the French alphabet only had 24 letters - no 'k' or 'w'. Therefore any words you see which contain either k or w ('le weekend'!) are not French in origin.



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Mmmm, yes please, royal preferably!  Did you know it was named after a certain Canon Kir who was a mayor of Dijon?  No, neither did I but that's what my Robert is telling me.  And you're right for it does appear to be the only word beginning with K that doesn't have foreign origins.  For looking through the rest (there aren't many) every word has either "mot japonais, d'une region des Balkans, mot Breton, mot novegien, probabit du suedois, mot russe", etc. after it.  Absolutely fascinating, not a daft question at all.  M


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I didn't know about 'a certain Canon Kir who was a mayor of Dijon' - but if we assume he was of non-French extraction, that doesn't invalidate what I said about letters k and w.  Have you tried a kir made with pêche? MMMMMM!


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[quote]<<One of my emergency sources of French conversation is to ask French people how many words there are in in French which changing their meaning when they change gender >> Bet you get inv...[/quote]

The emergency is normally a French Lady commenting on how large my feet are, and then remarking that my ears appear to be in proportion.  If you haven't worked out where that leads you have not lived and if Isabel worked out what was being said I suspect I would regard M. Bobbit's fate as preferable.
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[quote]As far as I recall from my undergrad days, the French alphabet only had 24 letters - no 'k' or 'w'. Therefore any words you see which contain either k or w ('le weekend'!) are not French in origin. r...[/quote]

Mmmm it must be a different alphabet from the one I was taught when at school in France...

Mine had 26 letters...
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I'm going back a long way (and I don't mean to my university days - even further back!). 24 letters originally, which is why 'qu' sounds like ''k' and 'ou' sounds like 'w'. So French words have the 2-letter phonemes 'qu' and 'ou', non-French loan words have the single letters 'k' and 'w'.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, of course Brittany is part of France - but Breton is not like French. It's a completely different language,  related to Cornish and Welsh, with very different roots. Hence the abundance of Ks.


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