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Must visit Marseille


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I've just read this in a novel:

.....une femme debout.... encadrée par deux hommes.... enserrait dans sa main droite la verge de l'un et dans sa main gauche celle de l'autre.   Verges optimistes, marseillaises, pharamineuses....

And I thought "marseillaises????????".   Woss that all about then?

Dis donc, is that a large tin of Grimsby Pilchards in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?  The mind boggles.  Can anyone enlighten me about Marseille men?  Maybe another visit to Ikea is called for.......


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Mmm, I would have assumed that it meant standing proudly as befits someone singing the National anthem prior to battle... I don't think that there is any reflection on the manhood of the residents of Marseille, or even the indigenous population... should be interested to be corrected.
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When I moved into my house there were 4 cardboard boxes of Barbara Cartland paperbacks in the attic.

All were in French and in pristine condition and apparently every one she had published.

The bookseller on Espéraza market thought it was his birthday!

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I think I did read a Barbie Ecartée once, the hero was called Ajax Audenshaw.   An Englishman in the Peruvian jungle or something, very at one with the manly forces of nature and all that, which is clearly a handy thing to be when some voluptuous and nubile blonde happens to be passing through.

But I digress.  I am in fact reading real French literature, in French.  "Les Chemins de Katmandou" by René Barjavel.   Love his love scenes, where She, as the result of his tree of manhood (yes, really!) touching the very centre of her quintessential being , becomes lost in the oneness of the eternal universe.   As you do.

Time to go and wash up last night's dishes, I think, slatternly trollop that I am.   

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thnaks for reminding me. But no, the Harraps slang dictionary has no mention of marseilles apart from slang terms for people who live there

BTW the marseilles IKEA isn't actually in marseilles, it's in Vitrolles (just behind Toys R us) So you can go to what used to be the biggest grand surface in France and do all your shopping and then go and eat salmon steaks and swedish meatballs at IKEA, that's what I was supposed to do yesterday until child#1 went down with an angine. I'll try again next week


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  • 3 weeks later...

Saligo, I innocently asked my friend today if she could translate this text for me. I wish I had had a camera, the look on her face, ending up in a huge grin and giggling asking exactly what sort of book I was reading.

The expression meant exactly as I thought, the only word I didn't really know was pharamineuse, but that was the least graphic bit wasn't it.

Aren't we going to get the suite to this?

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