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TV Licence


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Moved to France permanantly in May and have just purchased a new TV.  As i was not living in the house on Jan 1st i have not had to pay Tax D'Habitation for this year and as the TV licence i believe is now linked to this do i have to get a seperate licence or do i wait until next year.

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The taxe d'habitation includes the TV licence (redevance audiovisuelle) by default.

A declaration of non-ownership of a TV set is done via the income tax declaration.

When the tax has been charged for automatically, you should write to your local tax authority.

You could contact them now, but as the income tax declarations are being processed, they might not be able to do anything.

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I think it's a case of the OP having bought a television and wanting to know what he should do about it, rather than declaring non-ownership...[;-)]

Here's what the Impots say about it:

Si vous êtes imposable à la taxe d’habitation et détenez un poste de télévision, le montant de la redevance audiovisuelle sera automatiquement ajouté au montant de votre taxe d’habitation. Vous recevrez un avis unique à l’automne comportant deux volets : celui de la taxe d’habitation et celui de la redevance audiovisuelle.

Vous devrez payer en une seule fois la taxe d’habitation et la redevance audiovisuelle.

En cas d'achat chez un commerçant (ou un commissaire-priseur), celui-ci doit vous faire souscrire une déclaration. Outre votre nom, prénom et adresse, il doit vous demander votre date et lieu de naissance. Il adresse ensuite la déclaration à l'administration chargée du contrôle.

Si on vous a donné, transmis par succession ou prêté la télévision, vous n'avez aucune démarche à effectuer.

I suspect he'll be 'let off' the licence charge for the rest of this year and it'll be included in his next year's tax d'habitation.


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We received the Tax d'habitation in October and there was no charge for TV as we have previously declared that we had no Television on a form which was sent to us. A few days later we bought a Television and I wrote an e-mail to them. Their answer was that they are going to take account of it on the next demand for tax d'habitation.


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