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Power of Attorney


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Just wanted to let you know that we signed for our house last Monday!  It took nearly 9 months to get the Power of Attorney through the court and then as soon as we got it the lady in question died, which meant it wasn't needed anyway!!  I very much appreiciated the advice given last time, so have a new question for you:

According to the cadastral plans we own a piece of land to the side of our house that is 9 metres wide and is as long as our property (not quite sure how long!), which runs straight into another field owned by a local farmer.  He has ploughed the field and planted sun flowers leaving us with about a metre and a half wide strip of land.  The notaire guaranteed us that the land was ours and said that she would write to the farmer but then it would be up to us to sort it from there.  At present we have no use for the land and are quite happy for him to use it, but I read somewhere that if you let someone use land without any form of payment it becomes theirs after a certain period of time.  Is this right?  Should we approach the farmer?  Obviously, we don't want to upset the neighbours the minute we move in!

Any advice would be appreciated.



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One of the best bits of advice I can give you is it is resonably normal when you buy a house or land is to have a geomet ( sorry I not sure of the spelling!) they will come and outline your bounderies and put in what is called a bourne ( marker) this will then show your neighbour where your land is and you can then have a discussion .

 I know from experiance that a plan cadstre isn't always accurate especialy on old properties and your bounderies are not always where you think they are. In our case house pre Napoleon, was drawn  on the plan cadstre with the wrong bearing (too far north west) upshot, the chemin rural was considerably nearer than the newly agreed extension plan and the chemin that we thought was the chemin rural because everyone uses it is actually ours as the original is 3 meters further away but inaccessable due to land slip and undergrowth. So spend the extra money and get a geomet to put in your bourne and then everyone knows what they are playing with.


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