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Club Officers titles


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Help - my Rugby club in England is hosting a French Rugby club tour from Meaux this weekend and I will need to introduce our club officials to them.

However, I can't think of the correct terms in French!!!

We have a President - I presume he will be "Président" - easy so far.

But what about the Club Chairman - how should he be introduced?

And also, the Club Secretary - (the person who is the equvalent of a company secretary, not the person who types up the letters!)

Any other linguistic tips also gratefully received.


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Now that one (Vice Chairman) really needs to be translated correctly - particularly as one of the "Rugby Games" we are plannning is a "cross dressing beauty contest" - some of those rugby players can look wonderful!!!


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Josa, if you google in 'organigramme de clubs de rugby' you'll have a good idea of the hierarchical structure of a typical French club, there seems to be different versions depending on the size of the club of course but in 99% of cases:

'Chairman': 'Président',

'Vice-chairman' :  'Vice-président' -possibly 'président-adjoint' in some cases

'Secretary': Secrétaire

I suppose you might find some smaller clubs where the Chairperson/man/woman might be addressed as 'Monsieur/Madame  le or la Responsable' out of habit or convenience.

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