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Had A Go Maybe A Disaster!!!!!


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why not I haven't got anything to hide, however I would send it with my address etc just the contents. As for the content of my cover letter and CV it's pretty boring really you know please please please give me a job I need it and will love you forever kind of stuff.


I don't know what anyone could do with it without the personal details, which like I said will not be on the version to be read, and for all I know my translation could make no sense and b a load of poo.

thanks for your concern, unless there is something I have not thought about.





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You mentioned a covering letter. In France a letter along those lines should be enclosed with the CV and is called a Lettre de Motivation and must be handwritten.

There are web sites about how to write a lettre de motivation if you need to know how it should be done in France.


Some employers actually have applicants handwriting analysed.........no I am not kidding.

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Which ever company you apply to they will expect the lettre de motivation to be handwritten. For a decent job then there is a possibility that your handwriting will be analysed.

Interesting thing is that I have found 90% of french doctors handwriting to be legible.

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I heard about the lettre de motivation having to be handwritten, but

unless you are responding to a specific job advertisement I wouldn't

bother. It sounds like you are just after whatever you can get,

work-wise, so unless you want to spend your days writing out letters,

just type and print.  I went through a period of sending off loads

of cvs with a covering letter, and I just printed off the same one and

sent it.   Life is too short, and I got lots of answers, if

they want you to do a handwritting test they will ask for one.

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