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Translation help with part of H1 Impots locaux form.

Fed Up

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just stuck on a bit of the form, could anyone please help?

"Reseignements concernanant les logements beneficiant de prets aides par l'etat ou de prets conventionnes"

1- Nature du Pret.

Date de la demande de pret.

Date de la decision favourable d'octroi du pret.

2 - Designation et adresse de l'organisme preteur.

3 - Montant du pret effectivement accorde.

4 - Prix de revient ou prix d'aquisition du logement  (If here they are asking the cost, do they mean the cost of everything including the land which was bought separately? also because the building firm went bust, our house cost more than the contract price, should I send in extra proof of this?

Thanks in advance.






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[quote user="Fed Up"]just stuck on a bit of the form, could anyone please help?

"Renseignements concernant les logements bénéficiant de prêts aides par l'état ou de prêts conventionnés"

1- Nature du Prêt.

Date de la demande de prêt.

Date de la décision favourable d'octroi du prêt.

2 - Désignation et adresse de l'organisme prêteur.

3 - Montant du prêt effectivement accordé.

4 - Prix de revient ou prix d'aquisition du logement  (If here they are asking the cost, do they mean the cost of everything including the land which was bought separately? also because the building firm went bust, our house cost more than the contract price, should I send in extra proof of this?Thanks in advance.[/quote]

Nature du Prêt = type of borrowing/loan

Date de la demande de prêt = date of loan request

Date de la décision favourable d'octroi du prêt = date of loan approval

Désignation et adresse de l'organisme prêteur = name & address of lender

Montant du prêt effectivement accordé = amount of loan

Prix de revient ou prix d'aquisition du logement = cost of purchase of the property

As this relates to a loan, I would venture that they probabaly require the total purchase price of the property covered by the loan. If the land is part of a separate financial deal not covered by the loan, it is not to be included.

But... If in doubt, contact the office which sent the H1 form. The accompanying letter usually provides a tel number as well as the name of a person who deals with queries.

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The explanatory note at para 33 makes it quite clear that the price includes the value of the land.

Renseignements concernant les logements bénéficiant de prêts aidés par l’État, ou de prêts conventionnés.

Afin de faciliter la détermination de vos droits à exonération et dans le souci d’éviter des demandes de renseignements ultérieurs vous devez :

– préciser la nature du prêt aidé dont vous avez été bénéficiaire ;

– joindre pour les PLA et PAP copie de la décision favorable du Préfet ou de l’autorisation de maintien ou de transfert délivrée par le Préfet pour les constructions

financées par un PAP et réalisées par un promoteur ;

– joindre une attestation délivrée par l’organisme de crédit ;

préciser le prix de revient ou le prix d’acquisition du logement. Ce prix doit inclure également le prix du terrain;

– joindre un certificat établi par l’administration chargée de l’équipement constatant le respect des critères de qualité environnementale de la construction.


But as I said before the whole paragraph only applies if you are expecting a subsidised loan. Its aim is to check that the deserving poor  are not living in an undeserved state of luxury!

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Thanks Clair and BJSLIV for clearing that up, for me.

As stated before, the builder went bust and didn't finish the house as written on the contract and paid for, so the date it was completed to that standard is much later than the date allowed for on the impots form.

I am not trying to fiddle the impots and will pay their taxes from whatever date they want me to, but I am not ( for reasons that I don't want to disclose here) going to change this date, which incidentally will be the same date that gets put on the Declaration Acheivement Travaux .

Do you think I should just leave that bit of the form blank or fill in it as above and put a covering letter in outlining my reasons?


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