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Running a bar - the law regarding noise at night from music


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This question relates to a friend rather than myself and I thought that as there is likely to be other bar owners on the forum you may be able to help:


Friend brought existing bar on main street, refurbished and opened 6 months ago. The bar is popular particularly at weekends and during the holiday periods (this is a resort town). The problem is that they have been receiving complaints from residents who live nearby about the noise.

My questions are: (assuming there are general regulations applicable across France)

1. As they are able to open until 4am at the weekend, and that they are allowed to play music is there a specific time by which music which can be heard on the street must cease.

2. Is there a specified level of noise (normally stressed in db's) that should not be exceeded.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Just because they are able to open until 4 am does not mean they are able to disrupt their neighbours' rest until 4 am [:)].

if no agreement is reached, the neighbours can request "une étude d'impact", the results of which can be used against the bar owners, forcing them to take measures to reduce the nuisance.

If the neighbours complain to the authorities (mairie, gendarmerie), they could decide to reduce the opening hours.

Le décret no 98-1143 du 15 décembre 1998 relatif aux établissements

ou locaux recevant du public et diffusant à titre habituel de

la musique amplifiée (à l'exclusion des salles dont l'activité

est réservée à l'enseignement de la musique et

de la danse), stipule qu’en cas de contrôle, l'exploitant

doit être en mesure de présenter le dossier d'étude

d'impact. Ce décret, qui est surtout destiné aux discothèques,

peut être appliqué à tout établissement qui

diffuse régulièrement de la musique amplifiée.

C’est le cas de nombreux bars ou restaurants qui souvent ne disposent

d’aucun certificat d’isolation acoustique et qui ne sont

donc pas en conformité avec la loi dès lors qu’il

y a diffusion régulière de musique amplifiée.[/quote]
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[quote user="Cat"]Am I right in thinking that you are on the local council Mike?  Perhaps you could ask there at the next meeting?[/quote]

Good memory Cat,

I have already broached this subject with my colleagues but as it is holiday time here and many people are away I thought that I would try and get another perspective whilst waiting.



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[quote user="Mike1958"]

1. As they are able to open until 4am at the weekend, and that they are allowed to play music is there a specific time by which music which can be heard on the street must cease.

2. Is there a specified level of noise (normally stressed in db's) that should not be exceeded.

Any help would be appreciated.




I can answer number 2 for you Mike as we run a Mobile Disco and have to be very careful about exceeding noise levels. The noise level should not exceed 105db's - that is music and/or general noise. That level is not very hard to achieve either. We carry a meter for measuring noise output - last week, in a salle de fete, as we were setting up my husband commented on the noise level coming from the children and the adults who were subsequently talking over the children!! Out came the meter and they were producing 95db's!! And that's without the added music that we were then going to play!

We try to keep our level down to around 90db's which is more than adequate.

In relation to 1. we have a friend who has a nightclub in a town centre and has a 4am licence. However, due to complaints about noise levels (mostly from clients going outside to smoke - the noise not the complaints!!) late night/early morning, he had his licence restricted to 2am until he could bring the situation under control. This restriction was carried out by the Mairie. He basically had to employ bouncers to keep people under control. The music, though, has never been an issue with the residents as they are aware of the existence of the nightclub and take that in their stride.

Don't know if that helps......................



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