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Planning laws


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Does anyone have any knowledge of planning laws in France?  There is a piece of land about 600 yds in front of us and slightly to the left which we understood to be agricultural land, when we bought our house a few months ago.  We have an uninterrupted glorious view, which is one of the reasons we bough the house.  However, a "Terrain a Vendre" sign has just gone up and we have got hold of a plan of the field in question and 2 building plots have been allocated which if permission is granted for 2 houses, then this will completely ruin our view.  Can we object? Do we see the local mairie? Any advice/help/comments would be most helpful.
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Do we see the local Mairie?

Yes that is your first point of call.  Maybe your only option will be to buy the land if a permit might be issued  for building.  Its not like in the UK where they used to  notify any interested parties of planning applications, in France you have to look on the noticeboard at the Mairie to find these things out.

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What I wonder does

[quote user="foxy lady"]which we understood to be agricultural land, when we bought our house a few months ago.[/quote]

mean. Did you research it yourselves or simply take the word of the seller or their Immo ?

As for objecting, at this juncture, with it just being the sale of land with 2 potential building plots, I'm not sure what you could base an objection on as it's only if and when planning consent is sought that it might have an actual impact on you.

I would bear in mind that 600yds is quite a distance so try and ask yourself objectively is it reasonable to expect someone not to build on a piece of land simply because someones view that far away will be spoiled. After a mere 'few months' I don't think it's too hard to imagine the sort of reception you're likely to receive at the Mairie.

As Ron says the only certain way to prevent development would be to buy the land, and sooner rather than later before it's sold and your fear materialises.

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, really it's not meant to be, but being that far away I honestly don't think that there will be much you can do about it [:(]

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I do not think the maire will be of help to you. To him, two new houses means more income for the commune,possible children to keep the school going and young blood to stop the village dying. In matters of objection you really need to see the DDE and lodge complaints with the local Prefecture. If everyone complained about a spoiled view there would be no houses built in many places and the way the POS is changing all the time,more and more land will be used if it is within the zone and near to utilities for connection. I also think it may be too late to object to any future construction.
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