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Helping those in need


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I once heard that there is a so called "good samaritan" law in France.  Whereby it is illegal to ignore somebody who is need of assistance.  For instance, if you see a car accident, it is illegal to just drive by.  Even if all you can do is get medical assistance. 

I found this to be really interesting.  Is there such a law in existance?  If so, can anybody shed a bit of light on it?


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Yes there is a law, there is a short description here


And the article of the penal code is here The law

I believe that the reporters on the scene of the car crash in Paris that killed Princess Diana were investigated for non assistance à personne en danger.

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Such a law does exist, though I can't currently find the reference, but from my Code de la Route:

L'accident vient de se produire - il faut absolutement s'arrèter et porter assistance aux victimes

La non-assistance à personne en danger est sévèrement punie

The accident has just happened - you must stop and give help to the victims

Not helping persons in danger is severely punished.

If a find a reference, I'll let you know.[:D]

Edit: Thanks for the ref Cat, you beat me to it!

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The aid in question can be simply calling the emergency services and/or warning others of a potential danger by putting a warning triangle on the road in case of a car accident.

You are not expected to provide first-aid of any kind (unless you are a first-aider and want to help).

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I find it apalling that there should be a need for such a law.  It doesn't guarantee that anyone will stop, as was my experience when I ran out of fuel 30ks south of St Malo and nobody, including the police, bothered to stop.  Even my four year old flashing her knickers at passing cars didn't help!

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[quote user="John Martin BRADLEY"]I find it apalling that there should be a need for such a law.  It doesn't guarantee that anyone will stop, as was my experience when I ran out of fuel 30ks south of St Malo and nobody, including the police, bothered to stop.  Even my four year old flashing her knickers at passing cars didn't help!

That was not an accident, it was deliberate. Cars have fuel gauges, something that should be checked regularly, especially if going on to an Autoroute. If you have not checked the gauge and made sure that you have sufficient then why should other people delay themselves.

Plus, always make sure that you have far more than you would normally require in case of stoppages.

It is a good job that airline pilots ensure they have sufficient fuel for their trips.


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