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what is the French equivalent

La Vette

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La Lettre Recommandée

You can either have a receipt posted back to you 'avis reception' which costs more  or 'sans avis reception'.

I usually opt for the receipt for my own peace of mind, unless I'm sending it to the UK as I have never yet had a receipt back from there.



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I regularly receive them in the UK but the post office in the UK does not appear to know what to do with them;you need to remove the form,fill it in and return it to the postman or sorting office(no stamp needed) and it also depends on the sender filling in his details correctly.
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A recorded delivery letter with avis reception costs 4 euros 50 cents (ish).  You take your letter or whatever into the post office, tell them you want it sent lettre recommandée (either 'avec' or 'sans' avis de réception) and they'll give you a triplicate slip to fill out (or they may fill it out for you) with the address you're sending to and your address.  This gets stuck on the letter or package and you get one copy.


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can you tell me how you put your picture on by your name? I have tried where it says avatar(what dose that mean?) but its not working ,cant speak french dont know how to use a chat site god i feel a failure tonight.................................Pads

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Click on your name at the top of the page where it says 'Edit your details'.  Scroll down to the avatar section then either browse to upload an image from your computer files, or enter a URL in the appropriate box if you want to load a picture from somewhere on the Internet.  Easiest way to do the latter is to right click on the image on the Internet, click 'copy image location' and then paste that into the avatar URL address box.  Tha hard bit is choosing an image to use that doesn't make you look silly.


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Why did my last message appear twice when I only posted once?  I've edited it now.

By the way, Avatar, various definitions:

The incarnation of a deity - from Hindu religion.

From that:

2. The embodiment of a quality.

3. A temporary manifestation of something.

4. A computer generated representation of a person in Internet communications.


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Thanks Phil

Yes that is what I thought i had to do and I get as far as getting the picture on but when i update it I get page not available sign, so I guess its just a case of patience and keep trying. I think you will agree when(if )you see my picture I have thought long and hard so as not to look silly, but it dosnt do me as much justice as yours ..........

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I can see there's something trying to emerge under your name but it's struggling to show it's face.  It's not a big file, is it?  The site's so slow a the minute that it might find a big avatar indigestible.  It's best to reduce the file size as far as possible anyway.


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I think that you will find that the file size has to be a max of 80Kb. It used to be that when I put my Fouga Magister on (that's the name of the aircraft that's my avitar. I own one, all be it a radio controlled glider with a 6 foot wing span [:D])


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Hello, well lads I have been trying all day to down load my picture, so im going to give up for today, I think you are right it is just to big! trouble is i had a computer crash last week all my programmes were taken off and restored but it looks like my photoshop hasnt been put back on so i cant reduce it at the mo. But watch out the big white lady with brown spots will be appearing here soon, I jest not!!!!!!

many thanks for all messages of help, but this is one i will just have to blame my tools on, not that im a workman .

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Just got your message that was very sweet of you, but as you can see i did the old spider thing and kept trying and finally i got there. are you listning to cricket in france or england at the mo?
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hello Where do you fly your plane ? I have just come back from carcassonne and we stood and watched some one flying a big red model plane, about 3/4 weeks ago . we were suppose to be rushing to our notaire when hubby spotted it and pulled over and watched it , then we had to lie and say we were stuck in traffic????? have you seen how quite the roads are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thanks for the offer but despite my numerous posts on this string I don't actually like cress (other than a bit of watercress in samads)!


PS I think this is my 300th post - another landmark in my sad life.

PPs And it's grey here too! [:(]

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