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On-line grammar exercises

St Bernard

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For anyone fancying a bit of grammar work there are a number of courses available for free.

www.polarfle.fr is a site where you will find a murder mystery to solve. The clues are found in the grammar exercises. There is also comprehension work. There are four different levels from debutant to avancé.

www.fle.fr is a site which links to a number of specialist providers of french language teaching for foreigners but in addition, in the ressources section you will find grammar exercises.

www.bonjourdefrance.com has various grammar exercises as does www.xtec.es/~sgirona/fle/

If you would like the grammar to be explained in English you should take a look at www.laits.utexes.edu/tex/. This is a free course from the University of Texas.

Jan Laury


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