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Depot de Plainte?


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I had my car stolen yesterday[:'(] and lovely local Gendarme surprisingly found it within a couple of hours of me reporting it gone and caught the people who took it as well.

As you can imagine by head was a blur yesterday and didn't really understand a lot of what the Gendarme said to me.[8-)] As far as I know at the moment he has given me a Depot de Plaint form and I am supposed to phone a service d'aide aux victims. But after that I don't know what it is I am supposed to do and being hearing impaired me and phones not a good combination. That and I would say my french is just moving from basic into intermediate zone.

Can any of you give me any ideas what it is I am supposed to do?

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Thanks for the link and translation google aswell.

But now I am a bit confused surely reporting the theft and giving a statement at the gendarmerie yesterdays is regidtering the complaint or whatever.

I will type what is on the form Gendarme gave me yesterday as i won't attach to post.


Vous venez de déposer une plainte. Cette plainte, après enquête de nos services,va être transmise à M. le procureur de la république au tribunal de grande instance de Boulogne sur mer qui décidera de la suite a lui donner et vous en tiendra informé(e).

Pour vous permettre de mieux comprendre ce qui va se passer, les information utiles vous sont communiquées dans la paetie <<Information des droits des victimes>> de cet imprimé.

Vous pouvez aussi obtenir toutes les information et toute l'aide nécessaire a l'exercise de vos droits en vous adressant à L'Association ou au service d'aide aux victimes Tribunal de Grande Instance.

It then gives address and telephone number.

 I know I should know what this means but my brain just isn't functioning at the moment.

Thanks for your help.


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You have just filed a complaint. This complaint, after investigation of

our services will be sent to the prosecutor at the Tribunal de Grande

Instance de Boulogne on Wednesday who will decide what will happen and will keep you informed.

To help you better understand what will happen, useful information

you are provided in the <<victims Rights

Information>> section of this leaflet.

You can also get all the information and any necessary assistance

to exercise your rights by contacting The Association or the

service to support victims Tribunal de Grande Instance.[/quote]
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