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Consumers in France

Just Katie

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[quote user="PhilnPat"]The French DGCCRF leaflet "Les garanties, quels sont vos droits?" says

Vous pouvez mettre en action la guarantie legale de conformite dans les deux ans a compter de la deliverance de la produit.

Elle vous permet:

> de demander dans un premier temps la reparation ou le remplacement sans frais (au choix du consommateur, en fonction de ce qui est possible et raisonnable);

> de demander la resolution du contrat...

I translate that as it being the choice of the consumer, not the supplier.  Am I wrong?


You are correct... unless the seller decides otherwise, according to the second part of that paragraph, which states:


le vendeur peut ne pas procéder selon le choix de l'acheteur si ce choix

entraîne un coût manifestement disproportionné au regard de

l'autre modalité, compte tenu de la valeur du bien ou de l'importance du

défaut. Il est alors tenu de procéder, sauf impossibilité,

selon la modalité non choisie par l'acheteur.


the seller may choose not to proceed according to the buyer's choice if that

choice involves a cost clearly disproportionate in relation to other

means, taking into account the value of the property or the size of the

defect. He is then obliged to proceed unless this is impossible,

according to the choice not selected by the buyer.)
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Guys, I am really grateful to you all for this help.  I will wait for you to come to your conclusion of what the law is and the after service care policy of the store concerned before I dart over there [:D]

The television I bought was a Phillips and I paid 1500 € for it.  I am not naming and shaming Phillips, I have always bought their sets and have been very pleased with them, I believe they have a very good reputation.  However, I have owned the set for 1 month and now, it is reconditioned.  I dont know about you, but I think 1500€ is alot of money for a reconditioned TV.

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[quote user="woolybananasbrother"]Clair, which leaflet do you have? The second part of the paragraph does not exist in mine which I downloaded from the site. Can we check their dates please too? I just have a general statement about what is possible and reasonable.[/quote]

From the link to the Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommationet de la répression des fraudes I gave in an earlier post:


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You have loads or rights as it is under guarantee. Basically if it is a simple fault (to be defined but I would guess something like a switch,) they have the right to repair it but if it is complex you should have the option to insist on all your money back. I think, as it is so new, you need to find out what is wrong with it and then decide accordingly. At no expense to yourself. You are right, it is a hell of a lot of money to pay for a top brand TV which breaks down so quickly.
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I used this when my previous laptop died down.

It did take 3 months and 2 repair attempts, but I demanded a new laptop when it failed for the third time.

I also got a replacement 2-year extended guarantee (I had bought a 3-year extension and the laptop failed just 1 year after the purchase).

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