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E-mail addresses??


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[quote user="chessfou"]As regards email, "courriel" (i.e. courrier électronique) is a much nicer word than the Franglais "mail".[/quote]

Courriel is a French-Quebec word, you won't hear it that often in France.  I've found that many French people, especially those in the countryside, don't even know what this word is.  Same goes with "pourriel" - they are more likely to say "spam" instead.

[quote user="chessfou"]

NB. émail = enamel! (also, émailler = to enamel!)


"Adresse email" or just plain "email" seem to be the most commonly used among my co-workers, though "email" is pronounced the English way, and not the French way in order to distinguish it from enamel.

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Yes "courriel" originated in Quebec but has been strongly promoted in France and is catching on, at least on government web-sites - such as


and even our département


God alone knows why l'Académie franc,aise advocated the Franglam version "mél" (thank God it didn't catch on - although Larousse Pratique, 2003 says of e-mail: "ce mot est un anglicisme qu'il est recommandé de remplacer par mél"). [so, mél is not an anglicisme? Hmmm]  [NB. no accent on the e of e-mail]

Much as a command of English is amazingly useful, I don't want it to be through that alone that I improve the standard of my second, third and fourth languages (my command of fifth and beyond is so minimal that they don't count).

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