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I joined my local AVF (Amiens) about 6 months ago and it has made a real difference to my social life, enjoyment and understanding of the French culture.

I am the only English person there but there are Japanese, Malaysian, Mexican and Ecuadorian women that go to the French conversation classes. Sadly these clash with my regular French lessons so I only go occasionally like this afternoon when the Mexican lady is going to do a presentation on her home country.

I tend to go on the restaurant and cinema visits also randonnees and other weekend outings, it has improved my French immensely to be able to communicate regularly with intersting people from other walks of life, before, because I live and work alone, I just wasn't getting anywhere near enough practice between lessons.

The association was originally set up (in the 60.s I believe) to aid wives of husbands whose jobs  had moved then to new areas, nowadays whilst still doing this (for example the women I mentioned above are in this situation) its members are the young who have moved with work, etrangers like me and the retired and early retired.

I can reccommend it but like most things in life you get out what you put in, and it can also take some time for other members to overcome their reserve in communicating with you, which of course works both ways.

In my local "jeunes actif" group, which actually now means those who work and are not available during the day, most of them are proffesional people who speak good English, I am immensely flattered by the fact that they only speak to me in French which sometimes calls for a lot of patience on their part.


APV was the name of the company where I did my apprenticeship!

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