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French Language Teacher Wanted...


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We are moving out to France in August and whilst OH and myself are happy to find a local language course we would like to find a French Language teacher to provide some one to one lessons for our 8 year old.  We'll be moving close to St Astier in the Dordogne.  Is there anyone out there who can help, or knows someone who can help?  We are looking to start the lessons in September... any help as always appreciated [:$]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just thought I would bring this one back... we're moving to 24 between Bergerac and Perigueux with our 8 year old.  We would like to arrange some private lessons for him... does anyone know anyone who can help us?  I know you're out there!! [:D]
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I would wait until you are settled in and then ask locally. Depending on how close your neighbours are to your house you will be asked to apéros etc so will have the chance to meet local people and then ask about lessons if you still think they are necessary. If there are children living close by your son might well be asked to go and play; it's astonishing how well children manage to communicate without be able to speak each others language.


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thanks spg for the reply... we do have neighbours closeby and both have boys - one 9 and the other 7... we know the parent's don't speak any English but I guess the boys may have one or two words from school?  Like you say football and games tend to cross language barriers most times... I guess I'm just trying to get as much done in advance... but it's good to know it won't be the end of the world if we leave it until we've arrived!  [:)]
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Have you got him one of those illustrated french/english dictionaries?

If he has a bit of vocabulary he'll be laughing after about six months of playing with other kids. Well, he won't be fluent, but he'll be happy enough. [:)]

Anyhoo, good luck, and don't worry because you will find someone.

Sorry, forgot to add; we have an 8 year old and the level of French grammar etc he's doing at the moment looks tortuous! I honestly don't get most of it - luckily the missus is French and a bit of a [geek]

It is a pretty tuff school where our lad is (I know because he's been to another french school) , but I'd prepare for some hard work in your lads first year. It's pretty normal for French kids to be held back a year if they don't progress quickly enough, so perhaps let him know that straight from the off - otherwise he'll be upset at the end of the school year (happened to friends of ours).

Depends on the individual child, of course, but I would expect the teacher to start him in a lower class and see how he goes on from there.

It does seem like you're getting nowhere for a while and then one day he's outsmarting you in the French dept!

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Thanks Bones... I'll stop worrying! 

Lucky for you with the in-house French... Everyone keeps telling us that he'll be fine... and it seems from reading posts and replies from others and from folks we've met that children do get there after a few hard months.  He's an August baby so I would be quite happy for him to start the year below.  It would be better for him I think rather than change after a year.  We have already talked about the re-doubling... he's keen as he is often the baby of the class/group at the moment... he is in a mixed class now though so it isn't so obvious.  I do think it's a more sensible approach to judge when the child is ready rather than go full steam ahead because of a birth date... if he had been born 2 weeks late rather than 3 weeks early he would be in the younger year at home anyway!

I thought I would be a bit pro-active but the general consensus so far is that we'll be better off waiting until we arrive as someone will be available locally to help... so I'll bow to the greater knowledge of the forum and move onto the next item on my list to worry about!  it's quite long so I'll not get bored!!! [:D]

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