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Complete France Forum

French 'penfriends'

louis b

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It's my first post here, though I have been a 'lurker' for a while and have learnt a lot, so thank you!


I hope to move to France at some point in the future (probably quite distant future) but as a reasonably regular visitor and having discovered a tiny distant bit of frenchness in my family tree (not to mention being something of a francophile anyway) I have been trying to get my language skills up to scratch.


Anyway, I have been looking for some sort of online resource or forum where I could meet some French people to converse with via email. I've googled various combinations and not really found anything suitable, and my French isn't good enough to seek out French forums or message boards. Plus it'd be nice to be able to speak to people who are a similar age to me (early 30s) and who have a decent taste in music (including, but not restricted to, a Serge Gainsbourg obsession).


I wondered if anyone here might have any suggestions or ideas?


Thanks in advance!



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The son of a friend of mine (a bit younger than you - mid 20's - but good fun) might be interested.  He's thinking of moving to the UK to get work so could well be interested and it could be useful to him too.  I'm seeing him on Sunday and will ask him.  If he's interested, I'll PM you some info'.
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Hi Louis

Last winter I really wanted to see some photos of the village where we had brought our house in the August as I had heard there was snow there and I wanted to see it. So I googled to see if I could find any sites in my local area and emailed them and cheekerly asked everyone if they took any pictures would they send them to me , I got loads of replys and photos and Im still emailing and met while out thee in may a french lady who runs the local walking club. She writes to me in English and I write to her in French and we tell each other where we have gone wrong. Why dont you try doing something like this around the area your looking to go to . You never know............[:)]   

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