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Hi i need a topic to chose for my french orals.I need something interesting in which i can research it and then use this topic for my oral exam................pleaaaaaaaaaaase contribute some kind of topic related to FRANCE and please dont suggest anything boring that will make the examiner fall asleep.lol.
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The banning in French schools of head scarves worn by muslim pupils might be fairly topical and controversial enough to stop the examiner snoozing off. You will find quite a lot about this subject, both in French and English, on the internet.

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[quote user="Cassis"]How about "Everyday problems encountered by foreigners moving to France". 

I reckon that's about as good a topic as you could get.  Be prepared for the question "What foreigners (other than British) move to France?"

To be honest, I doubt that it matters how accurate your answer is (Dutch, Belgians, Germans, Swiss - it'll vary according to the area), what will matter is whether you can articulate it in French.

Don't hesitate to come back here for more specific help - most of the people don't bite!

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I'm doing AS level. What exam board are you doing. I did the welsh board for gcse french and was really easy. But then i moved schools for 6th form and i am now doing AQA board for AS level. Which is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard. I feel at a disadvantage compared to those who did the AQA board for gcse. Got any tips?It feels like ive started from the bottom again. U?
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I'm doing AQA aswell, I did the GCSE two years ago with AQA also. I'm finding it quite a challenge because I'm in adult education, and finding time to study can be difficult at times with family and family life. Also we are doing the AS in 75hours when school students have 115hours, so more homework.So you are using the Elan 1 book? I haven't even thought about the oral yet, won't bother until after Xmas. Just made a start on the purple booklet. I don't think you should feel at a disadvantage, there's a bit of re-capping of some GCSE stuff, mainly grammar, in the earlier units of the Elan 1 book, but I agree, a lot more indepth. Glad to discuss and/or help at anytime.


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Although we use a different exam board (OCR), the most successful of my past y12/13 pupils have chosen a famous person for their oral topic, rather than a more general theme which is more open to interpretation/opinion and may require extensive comparisons.  Past topics have included Napoleon, Louis Pasteur, Baron Hausmann.  Less successful was the French football league! A region of France is always a possibility, but you need to know a wide range of statistics to quote at the examiner - economy, geography, history,  immigration, crime etc as well as all the lovely tourist places to go! Some have chosen food/drink topics, such as champagne manufacturing, with reasonable success, and one last year chose to talk about bird flu, but as she got a 'D' it might not have been as wise as she thought!

Has you tutor/teacher given you any guidance?

 Hope this has at least given you some ideas.

PM me if you have more specific questions.



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That's food for thought, Marie.My tutor has not really discussed in lenght the oral, not to the point of topic examples, but I'm sure she will as she did guide us when we did the GCSE (same teacher). A PM might come in handy in the future, thanks.

I take it you're a French teacher.

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My teacher was saying not to do food as a topic becasue it such a open topic and the examiner could choose any questions to ask so it may be a not a good idea. I liked the topic about religion. That might be useful aswell as topics on french history.oh well ill have to go a french institute library where they have loads of books on different topics. Might be good. Thanks everyone


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  • 5 months later...


   I was recently thinking about this thread that you started a while back now, and I would like to wish you all the best in your exams which are looming very close and hope it goes well. I have my oral in 12 days time...eek! The other two (both on the same morning) two weeks later.

Once again, bonne chance!


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  • 3 months later...

   I know it's only personal to myself but I feel I want to share with those who have followed this thread and maybe curious as to what the outcome was. I feel very proud of myself, being a 40 year old returning to education, I achieved a grade B in my AS Level of French.

   Sjali89, I see that you have not answered much on this thread, but hope that you have read the posts which have followed your original one. I hope that your exam was a success and good luck for the A2 next year.


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