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CAF now wants translated, authenticated long birth certificates!


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despite being "on the system" for over 3 years, today I received a request from CAF for translations of my children's (long) birth certificates. Not only that, but the translations must be verified/authenticated by the issuing office!

Oh, and to cap it all they must be less than 3 months old... "avec mention en marge" - whatever that means!

What's going on?

Do registrars in the UK provide such a service?

Is it just me or has anyone else been asked for these?
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[quote user="hoverfrog"]... they must be less than 3 months old... "avec mention en marge" - whatever that means! [/quote]

This is specific to French birth certificates, which unlike British ones, are updated with a note in the margin with each event in the person's life (marriage, divorce, death), which is why recent ones must be provided when requested.

Certified translations must be obtained from official translators who have been recognised/appointed by the French courts. They come under "traducteur assermenté" in the yellow pages and your préfecture should be able to provide a list.

When dealing with Mr Clair's resident card forms, I had the original translations copied at the mairie and the copies certified (stamped) at the time, explaining that unlike French certificates, UK ones had to be paid for.

Sorry, I can't help with the specifics of your CAF question... [:)]

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thanks Clair - now at least I understand the 3 month bit!

Not that the kids have got married/divorced/died at all recently...

The request states:

"Si l'acte d'état civil est en langue étrangère, il doit être traduit en langue française et authentifié par l'autorité émettrice" - which I read as "must be certified by the issuing authority", so I hope a "traducteur assermenté" will do!

In case anyone else has to do this, certificates can be ordered from here for 7GBP if you have the GRO numbers...


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they already have a photocopy of the long birth certificate, which has been acceptable for the last 3+ years.

They now want a copy less than 3 months old and translated into french and authenticated by the issuing authority.

I think I'm going to argue the toss - although apparently there is new legislation from April 1st this year.

My friend's dossier has been "en attente" since March - and all the CAF will say is that they are waiting to see about the new legislation...
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