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EDF electric bill


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I have received a EDF bill (which I have never had before in over a year of owning the house )

We have been paying a monthly sum out of our bank account by Prélèvement automatique. This started in sept of last year but I noticed that for the last couple of months nothing has been taken out ( I wasnt worried about this as I assumed we had over paid so they didnt need to take anything[blink])

Is it possible that this is a statement of the years payments ? or is this a bill to pay? There is no pay slip at the bottom just a slip that says Prélèvement automatique and our details.

This bit I dont understand :

Evolution de votre consommation en KWh

Les chiffres en gras correspondent aux consommations relevées     Oct 06   -    Oct 07

Do they sent automatic payers a statement once a year? and no bills during the year ?

Any help with this would be gratfully recieved before I send them a chq for the whole years payments again[8-)] which I was just about to do before I sat and thought about it !!

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We also pay by direct debit.  We get a bill every month which I understand is estimated.  Recently, we saw an EDF van drive past and my OH thought the meter was read.

We have had our October bill now and it isn't much different from our other ones; if anything, it is a little less.  Sounds like yours is a statement of an account of your consumption and your payments.

I haven't been with EDF long enough to know how they operate these things but our October bill says prelevement automatique so I assume that they have adjusted our direct debits to our consumption level and taken out the necessary payment from our bank account.

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Do they sent automatic payers a statement once a year? and no bills during the year ?

Exactly right.  You pay EDF over a 10 month period which is why they hav'nt taken any payment the last couple of months.  I think they may be amending your monthly amount because your consumption Oct 06 - Oct 07 has been higher, you will receive notification of the new amount shortly.

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"Evolution de votre consommation en KWh"

"Les chiffres en gras correspondent aux consommations relevées"  

You should have some figures here giving the consumption actual or estimated, during the period. The amounts are the KW that you have been charged for.

 They require to read the meter at least once a year, but unless monthly payments are different, I pay 2 monthly bill by preleve automatique too, AFAIK you still get a bill each time you pay but no paying slip.  You haven't signed up for getting your bills by E-Mail or internet access have you?

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Hello Ron.

 Yes there is an amount of units under these 2 lines, How do you tell if its an estimate? Do you know what these two lines translate to ? We have a panel out side for them to read the meter when we arnt there, a sort of yellow circle inset into the wall! (I think thats what that is for)

W havnt had a single bill all year ,  no we havnt signed up for email ones , but would like to, I was just looking at the site for this but my french isnt that good yet, but I will look in to it ASAP

Many thanks Pads

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Its the KW that you have been charged for based on your meter readings. Unfortunately without seeing each bill which tells you if it is estimated in the blue panel to the right of the phrases you have quoted you cannot tell.  In rural areas a lot of bills are estimated. You may however see a larger or smaller figure than the previous, this could be a balancing bill and based on a reading.
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Is there a sign that means estimated like here they put e after the reading ?

Over the last year they have taken more from our bank account than the bill is for by about 50E will that mean our next year payments might go down ? rather than up.

Many Thanks

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[quote user="Cat"]The numbers in bold typeface will be from a meter reading, those in normal typeface are estimations.[/quote]

Ah yes they are in bold typeface  Thanks for that Cat.

Any idea what those 2 lines translate to in english ?[:$] 

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[quote user="Pads"]

Evolution de votre consommation en KWh

Les chiffres en gras correspondent aux consommations relevées     Oct 06   -    Oct 07


In this instance...

Record of your consumption in kilowatt hours

The numbers in bold correspond with usage meter-readings

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