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Lost in translation?


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My husband has recently joined the Table Tennis Club in our village and is struggling to keep up with the flow of conversation in French.

To break the ice a bit, he has drawn a cartoon with 2 rather conservatively dressed men (that is, in ties and tweed jackets Brit fashion circa 1950) playing ping pong.

The caption underneath is, "Have you ever wondered whether this is an adequate substitute for promiscuity, drug-taking and hooliganism?"

Would this joke translate readily into French?  And I don't just mean the words!  You know how some jokes just fall flat when translated into another language?

French people and French speakers out there, please advise.

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My son plays table tennis and does competitions. Do you have a table at your place for practice ? it could be a fun family activity!

What he has written can be translated this way  " Vous êtes vous jamais demandé si c'était un substitut adéquat à la promiscuité, la drogue et le hooliganisme" ? [:D]

I think the French people in the club would laugh and find the joke very English...

I'm sure they appreciate his going there as it is an obvious sign of a desire for integration.

Well done !


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