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Computer Translation - Still Some Way To Go

Anton Redman

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The four ‘English’ sentences below are from a google translation of a short document on the ‘Diagnostic Electricite’ . 


What they say :


The scope of the diagnosis relates to the whole of the installation of electricity facilities, visible, visited the installation of the buildings for residential use located downstream of the aircraft-General Command and protection of this installation.


One guard against over-adapted to the conductor section, on each circuit;


Drivers unprotected mechanically


Thus if finding of danger on the installation, it is the responsibility of the payer to draw the consequences, diagnostiqueurs not authorized to speak on the facility or its food.


Original French


Le champ d'application du diagnostic porte sur l'ensemble de l' installation d'électricité privative, visibles, visitables de l'installation des immeubles à usage d'habitation située en aval de l'appareil général de commande et de protection de cette installation


d'un dispositif de protection contre les surintensités adapté à la section des conducteurs, sur chaque circuit


les conducteurs non protégés mécaniquement


Ainsi en cas de constat de danger sur l'installation, il est de la responsabilité du donneur d'ordre d'en tirer les conséquences, les diagnostiqueurs n'étant pas habilités à intervenir sur l'installation ou son alimentation


What the mean ?


The scope of this report relates to the electrical installation for residential use which we inspected. It relates to the installation after the EDF circuit breaker.


One overload circuit breaker for each circuit.


Wiring not physically protected


In the case of a dangerous installation it is the responsibility of householder to reach their conclusions about the consequences. The diagnostic technician is not authorised to speak the installation or its power supply.


It will be a long time before I trust computer translations.
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I have posted this before, but it remains true. The poor chap with the website is probably proud of it even if he can't understand it.

The point being, don't rely on Babelfish for translations into French .  Enjoy!

Heavens above !!!  Don't even think about using

Babelfish if you are dreaming of sounding remotely credible....

I have just revisited the website of a local traiteur

who has used BFish to turn his nice French into Eeengleesh and I have cut and

pasted a couple of examples for your delectation and delight !

This is how you could come across with your Fameuse

Official Letter if you don't watch out!  

Check out the Dept of Dormouse and

Expensive not to mention plus the Dept of Expensive.


So to commence:

Un dîner en tête à tête ou entre amis, un repas

d'affaire ou de famille, les occasions de se retrouver autour de la table sont

des moments délicieux à partager mais souvent délicats à organiser. C'est

pourquoi, je vous propose mes services.

A vous le plaisir de recevoir, à moi de vous

rendre cet événement inoubliable.

Offrez-vous les services d'un chef de cuisine à


Turns into:

A dinner at the head with head or between friends, a

meal of business or family, the occasions to find itself around the table is

delicious to divide but often delicate moments to organize. This is why, I

propose my services to you.

With you pleasure of receiving, me to return

this unforgettable event to you.

You offer the services of a chef to


And this,

Dîners ou Déjeuners

entre amis, en famille ou d'affaires...

Menu à 3 plats au choix à

45 euros  

Salade  de gambas aux


Fricassée d’escargots à la crème d’ail

Guacamol épicé et grecini

de parmesan


Suprême de volaille à la crème d’ail

Roulet de filet mignon

de porc aux parfums  Provençaux 

Parmentière de canard

Chaud froid de fruit de


Moelleux au chocolat 

Tarte tatin aux épices

Turns into :

between friends, in family or


Finely with 3 dishes with the choice with 45


Salad of gamba to citrus fruits

Fricassee D’snails

with the cream D’garlic

Spiced Guacamol and Parmesan grecini

Supreme of poultry to the cream D’garlic

Roulet of

filet mignon of pig to the perfumes Provençaux

Duck Parmentière

Cold fruit heat of season

Marrowy with the chocolate

Tart tatin with spices

And finally, and most triumphantly, 


Votre nouveau

chef de cuisine à domicile dans votre région, le Lot.

Mon parcours professionnel

commence  il y a 14 ans par quatre années d’apprentissage en cuisine et


Je commence à faire mes armes dans la

région, à Rocamadour, puis à Padirac, deux sites magnifiques.

Des le début de ma  carrière, j ai eu le

désir de voyager et d'apprendre au contact de grand chef.

Tout d’abord en région parisienne et en

Relais et Châteaux

Par la suite en Aveyron, la corréze, les

Alpes ( Courchevel ) et le Loir et Cher.

Puis a la demande d’un de mes anciens chef

de cuisine, je suis parti pour la Suisse, à Lausane pour deux


 A mon retour, je suis recruté par le

Châteaux de Roumegouse ( relais et chateaux ) au poste de chef de cuisine.

Aujourd'hui, je prends plaisir de vous faire partager mon

expérience en vous proposant mes services de chef de cuisine à


Turns into.....

Your new chef in residence in your area, the Batch.

My professional course begins it there A 14 years per

four years D’training in kitchen and pastry making.

I start to make my weapons in the area, in

Rocamadour, then with Padirac, two sites splendid.

Dice the beginning of my career, I test the desire to

travel and the need to learn in contact with big bosses.

Any access in Paris area and Relay and Castles

Thereafter in Aveyron, Corréze, the Alps (Courchevel)

and the Dormouse and Expensive.

Then the request of my former chef has, I left for

Switzerland, in Lausane for two years.

On my return, I am recruited by the Castles of

Roumegouse (Relay and Castles) at the post of chef.

Today, I take pleasure of making you share my

experiment by proposing to you my services of chef in


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[quote user="Caussenarde"]

Heavens above !!!  Don't even think about using

Babelfish if you are dreaming of sounding remotely credible....


I use Babel fish to get a simple piece of English into some sort of French quickly, and then I amend to suit.    Works well enough if you don't use idioms, don't split it across several paragraphs (do it later!), and know enough of the language to know when it's up the creek.  Certainly quicker than me sitting down to translate from scratch - even if I really do need to improve my French, there isn't always the time.  Certainly may not be French as she is spoke by un français, but as long as it makes sense, and says what you want it to say.  The French have difficulty in writing good quality prose also, hence the use of écrivains I understand.

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