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signing letters.


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Some advise please re: the correct ways of signing off  formal letters in French.I am writing to our M. le Maire at the moment and really just want to say 'yours sincerely'!

A collection of different phrases would be much appreciated.

With thanks in advance.

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There are various ways of signing off letters, which always seem to me to be very long winded.  For example:

Je vous prie d'agréer, monsieur, l'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs (the = of yours sincerely)

I wouldn't though recommend signing off 'Bises' or 'bien affectueusement' if you're writing to the Maire!

EDIT: great link Claire - thanks

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Very useful link, thanks, Claire. The formal ways of signing letters do seem very stilted to British ears, but I've always found it better to err on the side of formality when sending letters to French officialdom.  It's worked so far....... [:)]



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I have just done this in my lessons and have been told to write :

Thanking you in anticipation: = En vous remerciant d'avance.

Yours faithfully = Je vous prie, monsieur, d'agréer l'expression de mes sentiments distingués 

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