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SNCF Cartes Familles Nombreuses


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Has anyone applied for and been successful in receiving the SNCF Carte Famille Nombreuse? This is the card that if you have a large family allows you discounted rates at certain places or on trains. I have applied, sent off all the paperwork, photos, cheque for 18 euros to be told I need to get our marriage certificate and all the childrens birth certificates translated into French!! I have never had to have any of these translated before for anything else. Has anyone any experience of this or knows where I can get these translated at as it says it needs to be done by someone official!! Just another hurdle to jump!!



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I have not tried to do what you are want to do, it sounds a bit over the top, if you want/need an official translator your sub/prefecture have a list, you may be able to check this out by going to the prefecture on-line for your area.

You could start HERE

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I totally agree! This is supposed to be a card that allows families to be able to afford to go places when the entry fee or train fare makes it very cost prohibitive when you have a large family. The amount of paperwork I had to send off was amazing, all these photos and a fee to then be told I need some of the documents officially translated which I will have to pay for. It seems crazy when I am trying to save money which is what the card is designed for! Sometimes it just really feels like it is another obstacle put in your way to put you off applying for things, however I will persist!!
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Have you tried applying for the carte elsewhere rather than SNCF?  the list of places you can apply to are on the Sevice Public  SITE.

An extract form the site.

Si vous êtes un ressortissant d'un pays de l'Union européenne ou de

l'Association européenne de libre échange habitant en France ou

travaillant en France :
il faut un justificatif de votre

nationalité (exemple : photocopie de la carte nationale d'identité) et,

selon le cas, un justificatif de votre résidence en France (exemple :

photocopie de la facture EDF) ou un justificatif de votre activité en

France (exemple : photocopie du contrat de travail) 

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