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I thought I understood the general meaning of "L'affaire" ..... Case or business... that general kind of meaning.

However I've just seen these two examples where I'm guessing it is being used in some sort of affirmatory way?

Any chair will do

N'importe quelle chaise fera l'affaire

Any (one) will do

N'importe laquelle fera l'affaire

I can't work out why "l'affaire is needed in these examples?  Any thoughts please.

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cela fera bien l'affaire - that'll do nicely or that'll come in handy

J'ai ton affaire - I've got exactly what you want

c'est une autre affaire - that's a different kettle of fish

en voilà une affaire - what a complicated business!

It is indeed without a good dictionary - my recommendation is the big ("Senior") Robert & Collins (I have the electronic version on my main PC and two copies of the book - one upstairs, one downstairs ... well, it's heavy!):


NB the option to "feuilleter" some of the pages.

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Thanks to both of you for your replies... helps make sense of it.   I could understand the basic sentences with no problem but it was the additional "l'affaire" that threw me and I wondered why it was necessary.

I'll follow up on the dictionary... I'm currently using the Collins Robert Concise.

I had a "feuilleter"  [:D]... I'll have a closer look later.


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[quote user="DerekJ"]Odile, Norman.... thanks.

But could I just say...

Any chair will do
N'importe quelle chaise fera

Any (one) will do
N'importe laquelle fera

Leaving the "l'affaire" off or would that be incorrect, not understood?

In that case you would use "ira" instead of "fera"

N'importe quelle chaise ira (or irait)       Any chair will go (instead of do).

Got me?   [:D]


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