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Don't Speak English - Parlez Globish...........


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Interesting and amusing article.

I found the more I speak French the more my English goes down hill.

I am signing up for a course on Globish speak.

Last year one of my younger brothers said "Why do they not invent an international language all can understand?". He was surprised when I told him they already had - Esperanto. I was surprised my bro has a degree and I thought was reasonably informed.

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The idea of Globish is a good one.  Been done before, of course, e.g. various forms of pidgin English.

Taking the thread down a slightly different road, have you noticed how the French - and the Chinese, Japanese and others, I'm sure - take English words and give them an entirely new meaning?  For example, what the hell does a 're-looking' mean in English?  Diddly squat, but ask any French woman and she'll know exactly what it means!

We had some difficulty persuading our French neighbours that 'relooker' doesn't exist in English ...[:)]  (And when did le brushing come to be used for blow-drying?)

Brilliant!  Isn't this how all language develops?  After all, English is about as mongrel a beast as you could find ...



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