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How do you say .........


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When I have ordered something from a shop and they say it will be in on "Friday", I often find myself in that area on the thursday beforehand and so when I call into the shop to see if the item has arrived early I never quite know what to say .

So how would you say in French " I was passing by and called in on the offchance that  .............you could check my lights ..........the part I ordered has come in earlier .......................that could could fit me infor an appointment now .................etc etc...?"

Thanks for any useful phrases on a similar vein.



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an easy way might be to say something like 'la livraison/le rendez-vous etc est prevu pour demain mais voila que je me trouve dans le quartier aujourd'hui, alors je suis venu(e) vous demander si par hazard la piece est deja arrivee/vous pourriez me donner rendez-vous cet apres-midi ....' (excuse lack of accents, feeling so rotten today with cette putain de bronchite, that really can't be bothered with them)
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Je suis de passage (ou:  je passe devant chez vous) et je me demande si par hazard vous pouviez faire un service (for car)

or :   me rendre un service (do me a favour)

or : si vous auriez (if you would have     le temps de (time to ..)      de la confiture, du miel, des poires, etc

Bonne chance

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