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Getting it right on a French card!!


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Trying to write a card for a wedding I will attend this weekend - Is this correct ??

Félicitations pour votre mariage.
Nous vous souhaitons à tout les deux tout le bonheur, joie et prospérité

(Congratulations on your marriage. We wish you both happiness, joy and prosperity)

It's the "we wish you both" bit I am not certain about [8-)]

Or is there another "standard saying" for a wedding card - I don't know these people personally, It's the Maries daughter and the whole village is invited to the church and for vin d'honneur afterwards. Don't want to put my foot in it [:D]

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have a great time. Just a bit of warning though, as some of my British friends have be caught out and found it very embarrassing.

French people send wedding 'faire-parts', ie. a wedding announcement - and this does NOT mean you are invited. If you are there will be an insert with a specific invitation, either for just the Vin d'Honneur, or for Church and Vin d'Honneur, or for the whole thing. A colleague of mine travelled to Normandy from leics for a wedding and found on arrival that they were definitely not expected. Space was made, everybody found it very funny and they were made most welcome - but they were mortified! They had a fabulous time though!

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Odile - You had me a bit worried there !!!!

Went back to the invitation and it says "Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à la célébration religieuse qui se tiendra à l'Eglise......"

Invited to the church 16.00 and the vin d'honneur which will be served from 18:00

Thanks Clair for the tweak [:D]

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