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French slang


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I was with another English speaker yesterday who told me how clever she was to have learnt several slang terms in French eg. flics and a few more vulgar phrases. I was wondering how these sound to a native Frenchman coming from a foreigner. Do we gain more authenticity by using them or do we sound stupid?
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It is very difficult to judge the exact weight of these expressions if you are not a native.

I could use some of the worst, but am confident that I would just come out sounding ridiculous.

It is like foreign  people who say  'he is a bl**dy b*astard': each word is right but that particular combination doesn't quite ring true..  

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I understand there are some words best avoided; I don't say "Put***" even though it is very common. I once went on a package tour where the Spanish courier had picked up the word "bloo*y" and used it all the time with effects as described.
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Some Dutch acquaintances used f**ng instead of very.  They were slightly bemused when I informed them that some people find it quite offensive!

My French isn't bad but I err on the side of polite - don't want to cause any offence!  Mind you, my mother (French parents but born in London and has spent all her life in the UK) recently referred to some naughty guests I had had as "andouillettes".  Made my neighbours hoot!


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