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I am reading a childrens classic, L'isle de tresor, as I thought it would be relatively easy reading but it turns out to be much harder than a translated fiction novel by one of my favorite authors, nonetheless I struggle on.

The first time I saw the word "well" I unconsciously read it as in English as it fitted with the rest of the text (I cannot now refind it) and made a mental note to check my dictionaries and it was not in either.

Last night I found another paragraph starting with "well" which I am struggling to understand unless they forgot to translate it to French, it is as follows/

- Redruth, dis-je en interrompant ma lecture, le docteur Livesey n'aimera pas beaucoup cela, Le squire a parlé en fin de compte.

Well, qui donc a raison? bougonna le garde-chasse. Où allons-nous, si le squire doit se taire le Docteur Livesey!

Can anyone explain it to me please?

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Well, qui donc a raison? bougonna le garde-chasse. Où allons-nous, si le squire doit se taire le Docteur Livesey!

Well, who's a better right?" growled the gamekeeper. "A pretty rum go if squire ain't to talk for Dr. Livesey, I should think.

Well is simply a bit of English left in for local colour.  

The more important question is why the translator chickened out so feebly on  A pretty rum go…

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