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Go away, please


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I'd like to find a French phrase meaning "va-t'en", but more emphatic: about the same as "get lost".  Insulting, but not indecent.  My dictionary doesn't help.

I am familiar with fous-moi le camp and a few other phrases involving words beginning with "f", but I think they are below the decency level I'm looking for.

Can anyone suggest anything?

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I would use: pousse-toi


pousse-toi, tu vois bien que tu gênes!

(familier) move over OU shove over, can't you see you're in the way?

with the correct intonation, it sometimes even works on dogs, blocking the path.

and you can add as already said: Dépêche-toi

salut Herbert

but why not inviting him-her to a drink and get friends

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(familier) [disparaître - cambrioleur] to scram, to scarper (UK), to skedaddle (US)

je t'ai assez vu, file! I've had enough of you, scram! OU clear off!

you find such things in:


bonne chance

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