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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

doris day

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  • 3 months later...
Indeed: what are the symptoms?

Having been horribly misdiagnosed circa 18 years ago, I, not surprisingly, feel somewhat strongly about this!

IBS is one of those neat "Catch All" diagnosis, beloved of certain practitioners of medical science.

As I said to my Gastroenterelogist Consultant at the time, "Doc; I worry when a doctor informs me I am suffering with something with the single word "Syndrome" tacked on the end!"

"To me, " I continued," It means you know summat is up: but not really what!"

He agreed.

Happy to share my findings and eventual cure/s if anyone feels this might be of benefit.

Would need to move the thread topic, though, 'cos this is the wrong area for such.

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Sorry, my English is so Bad...

But I'll to try.

Symptoms are :

gaz, flatulences, abdominal pain, belly swell..

In french :

ballonements, douleurs abdominales diffuses, gaz, digestion difficile.

No stomac ake. Not to feel sick,


 diarrhea, or constipation, bowels move quickly..

(I'm doctor, GP, exactly.)

It's a very frequently illness


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