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How do I say 'agricultural grass'?


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Hello all.

A local farmer is going to turn our ploughed field into a flat usable field. He is also going to sow it with grass.

We don't want, and I don't think he will use, lawn grass seed, but I do want to clarify with him that I would like agricultural grass so that it looks like a field not a bowling green.

What is the word for 'agricultural grass'? Is it 'l'herbe d'agricultural'?

If not, does anybody know the word that I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks all.

I've googled ray grass and that's exactly what I'm after. I want to retain a rural and natural look as we are in a hamlet surrounded by fields. There aren't going to be any animals (well the children might come in to that category) on it but I want something a bit tough.

I agree, I'm sure the farmer will know what to sow, but I just wanted to clarify it with him. I don't want a lawn as such.

Good point. I don't want anybody chasing after me as we are not farmers, we just have a big garden. Mouth is zipped.

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